Working Together to Balance Your Soils’ Nutrients

January 22, 2007

Grow bountiful crops, using less synthetic fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides? Call Robbi Jackson and Jolynn Zapico, the owners and operators of Enviro Consultant Service, LLC. Since January 1997, we have been working with our distributors on balancing customers’ soil nutrients in ways that boost yields and reduce input costs. We start by having soil samples that we pull from your fields (or turf) analyzed by accredited, independent laboratories. Based on those analyses, we design soil amendment programs tailored for your soil. Included in these programs are recommendations for using OMRI-listed products that we manufacture and distribute, Bio-Stimulant by ECS™, Harvest Energy by ECS®, and Fulvic Electrolyte by ECS™.

Bio-Stimulant by ECS™ is a liquid blend of plant-derived enzymes that stimulates microbial activity, boosts oxygen levels in soil, improves seed germination, triggers more vigorous plant growth and accelerates maturation,
grows healthier plants that are more resistant to weather-related stresses, and helps soil reclamation from chemical spray overdoses.

Harvest Energy by ECS® is a liquid that contains approximately 23% carbon, organic nitrogen, sulfur, liquid chelated calcium, chelated iron, humic substances and trace minerals that improve soil structure, nutrition and aggregation promotes faster, more massive root development, and supplies nutrients essential to healthy plant growth and microorganism activities.

Fulvic Electrolyte by ECS™ is a liquid source of water-soluble trace minerals that stimulates microbial activity in soil, can mimic functions of some plant growth regulators when applied properly,  chelates minerals and other soil nutrients, enhancing their availability for plants, and reduces compaction and increases oxygen in soil by improving soil tilth.

Bio-Stimulant by ECS™, Harvest Energy by ECS®, and Fulvic Electrolyte by ECS™ may be used with de-chlorinated water, or added to liquid fertilizers. These products can be foliar fed, applied to soil, or placed on the seed at planting as excellent starters for young plants. These products can be applied to all crops, vegetables, fruits, and turfgrass.

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